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Roberto Hofmeister Pich, Alfredo Santiago Culleton (eds). Pages: 476 p. Language(s):English, Spanish. Publication Year:2015. Brepols. ISBN: 978-2-503-55458-7. Paperback -- SUMMARY Authors of the Second Scholasticism (as discussed in this volume, at least, mainly Iberian philosophers and theologians of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries) not only commented on the works and updated the teachings of medieval Scholastic masters but also introduced many new ideas in all areas of philosophy, namely logic, natural philosophy, metaphysics, moral philosophy, political philosophy and the philosophy of law. In particular, issues arising from the discovery of the New World presented new challenges to these thinkers, provoking various reactions among them and causing them to develop new interpretations and theories especially in practical philosophy and theology. In this volume, scholars from Europe, North America and South America identify and describe some of the main topics and central lines of thinking in this still quite unknown chapter in the history of philosophical ideas. The contributors focus on the reception and development of Aristotelian-Thomistic and (to a lesser extent) Scotistic political theory, natural law, positive law, and law of nations in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries; some authors, moreover, address issues in the development of metaphysics during the same period. For the most part, the studies presented here concern the writings and thought of masters from the Universities of Salamanca, Alcalá, Évora and Coimbra, who responded to questions and conceived new theories in political philosophy, law and moral philosophy closely related to the issues pertaining to the Spanish and Portuguese colonies in the New World. TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements Roberto H. PICH, An Index of Second Scholastic Authors Ludger HONNEFELDER, Natural Law as the Principle of Practical Reason: Thomas Aquinas Legacy in the Second Scholasticism Pedro ROCHE ARNAS, El anónimo Quaestio in utramque partem sobre la autonomía del poder real in temporalibus Alessandro GHISALBERTI, Legge naturale e fondazione dell Etica in Guglielmo di Ockham José Luis FUERTES HERREROS, El discurso de los saberes en la segunda escolástica Marco TOSTE, Unjust Laws and Moral Obligation in the Sixteenth-Century Salamancan Commentaries on Thomas Aquinas De legibus Ángel PONCELA GONZÁLEZ, Filosofía del derecho en sentido pragmático: Francisco de Vitoria y la escuela de Salamanca Paula OLIVEIRA E SILVA, The Sixteenth-Century Debate on the Thomistic Notion of the Law of Nations in Some Iberian Commentaries on the Summa theologiae IIaIIae q.57 a.3: Contradiction or Paradigm Shift? António MARTINS, Natural Law and the Law of Nations: A Case Study Giuseppe TOSI, Sins Against Nature as Reasons For a Just War : Sepúlveda, Vitoria and Las Casas Jörg Alejandro TELLKAMP, Francisco de Vitoria and Luis de Molina on the Origin of Political Power Roberto H. PICH, Revisiting the Topic of the Law of War : The Comments on Thomas Aquinas Summa theologiae IIaIIae q.40 aa.1-4 by Fernando Perez (16th Century) Laura CORSO DE ESTRADA, Tesis helenísticas en exégesis escolásticas: Conformidad con la naturaleza Alberto Magno, Tomás de Aquino y Domingo de Soto Manuel LÁZARO PULIDO, La ley natural en Alfonso de Castro, OFM Alfredo S. CULLETON, Mutability and Immutability of the ius gentium according to Suárez Francisco BERTELLONI, Francisco Suárez, crítico del monismo de Marsilio de Padua Giannina BURLANDO, Defensas históricas del poder político: F. Suárez y J. Locke teóricos de la moralidad por el acuerdo Luis Alberto DE BONI, Grotius and Scholasticism Alfredo STORCK, Molina in a Spanish Treatise against Machiavelli Celina A. LÉRTORA MENDOZA, El tratado De iure y sus migraciones sistemáticas en la escolástica (siglos XIII a XX) Marco FORLIVESI, Filippo Fabri (1564-1630) on the Nature of Metaphysics: A Paduan Scotistic-Aristotelian Counter-Attack on Rival Doctrinal Traditio. Seller Inventory # ca4297
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