This substantially revised new edition of Rousseau: The Basic Political Writings features a brilliant new Introduction by David Wootton, a revision by Donald A. Cress of his own 1987 translation of Rousseau's most important political writings, and the addition of Cress' new translation of Rousseau's State of ?War. New footnotes, headnotes, and a chronology by David Wootton provide expert guidance to first-time readers of the texts.
Donald A. Cress is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, University of ?Wisconsin, Parkside. His translations of Descartes' Meditations on First Philosophy and Discourse on Method are also published by Hackett.
David Wootton is Anniversary Professor of History, University of ?York. His translations of Machiavelli: Selected Political Writings, More's Utopia, and Voltaire's Candide--as well as his Divine Right and Democracy: An Anthology of Political Writings in Stuart England, his edition of Locke: Political Writings, and his Essential Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers--are also available from Hackett.