Sämtliche Werke. ( in 5 BÄNDEN). Band 1: Apologie, Kriton, Protagoras, Hippias II, Charmides, Laches, Ion, Euthyhron, Gorgias, Briefe. Band 2: Menon, Hippias I, Euthymedos, Menexenos, Kratylos, Lysis, Symposion. Band 3: Phaidon, Politea. Band 4: Phaidros, Parmenides, Theaitetos,, Sophistes. Band 5: Politikos, Philebos, Timaios, Kritias.


Published by Hamburg, April 1957, September 1957, Februar 1958, August 1958 und Januar 1959., 1957
Language: German

From Ant. Abrechnungs- und Forstservice ISHGW, Oederan, Germany

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