DELLA SELVA DI VARIA LETTIONE Di Pietro Messia: Parti Cinque, nelle quali sono utili cose, dotti ammaestramenti, & varij discorsi appartenenti cosi alle scientie, come alle Historie de gli huomini & de gli animali.

MEXIA, Pedro (MESSIA, Pietro).

Published by Venetia Francesco Rampazetto, 1571

From Roger Middleton P.B.F.A., Oxford, United Kingdom Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

AbeBooks Seller since January 3, 1999

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This specific copy is no longer available. Here are our closest matches for DELLA SELVA DI VARIA LETTIONE Di Pietro Messia: Parti Cinque, nelle quali sono utili cose, dotti ammaestramenti, & varij discorsi appartenenti cosi alle scientie, come alle Historie de gli huomini & de gli animali. by MEXIA, Pedro (MESSIA, Pietro)..

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TITLE CONTINUED: Ampliate, & di nuovo rivedute per Francesco Sansovino. Early Italian edition 1571, in 5 parts, text in Italian, small 8vo, approximately 150 x 105 mm, 6 x 4 inches, large pictorial printer's device on title page, some pictorial initials and headpieces, pages: (24), 1-438, (2) - colophon and 1 blank, collation: *8, **4, A-III8, III8 is a blank, bound in full vellum, spine plain. 2 minute nicks at head of spine, front endpaper renewed, occasional small light mark to margins, 1 lower corner tip missing (paper flaw), 1 faint margin note, very occasional small ink mark in the margins, small narrow piece torn from fore-edge of AA3 and lower corner missing from SS3, both due to paper flaws, last 8 leaves lightly damp stained in lower margins. A very good tight copy. Pedro Mexía (1497-1551) was a Spanish Renaissance writer, humanist and historian born in Seville. He studied humanities and law at Seville and Salamanca universities. He corresponded with Erasmus of Rotterdam, Luis Vives and Juan Gines de Sepulveda. In 1548 he was appointed official chronicler of the court of Emperor Charles V. This is his major work "Silva de varia lección" first published in Seville in 1540. It was extremely popular and was translated into French, Italian and English in the 16th century. It is an encyclopedic miscellany or mixture of subjects of interest across the diverse repertoire of humanistic knowledge of the time, drawing on many classical writers including Aulus Gellius, Ateneo, Macrobius, Valerius Maximus, Polidoro Virgilio, Plutarch and the Natural History of Pliny the Elder. MORE IMAGES ATTACHED TO THIS LISTING, ALL ZOOMABLE. FURTHER IMAGES ON REQUEST. POSTAGE AT COST. Seller Inventory # 48949

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Publisher: Venetia Francesco Rampazetto
Publication Date: 1571

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MEXIA, Pedro (MESSIA, Pietro).
Published by Venetia Francesco Rampazetto, 1571

Seller: Roger Middleton P.B.F.A., Oxford, United Kingdom

Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

TITLE CONTINUED: Ampliate, & di nuovo rivedute per Francesco Sansovino. Early Italian edition 1571, in 5 parts, text in Italian, small 8vo, approximately 150 x 105 mm, 6 x 4 inches, large pictorial printer's device on title page, some pictorial initials and headpieces, pages: (24), 1-438, (2) - colophon and 1 blank, collation: *8, **4, A-III8, III8 is a blank, bound in full vellum, spine plain. 2 minute nicks at head of spine, front endpaper renewed, occasional small light mark to margins, 1 lower corner tip missing (paper flaw), 1 faint margin note, very occasional small ink mark in the margins, small narrow piece torn from fore-edge of AA3 and lower corner missing from SS3, both due to paper flaws, last 8 leaves lightly damp stained in lower margins. A very good tight copy. Pedro Mexía (1497-1551) was a Spanish Renaissance writer, humanist and historian born in Seville. He studied humanities and law at Seville and Salamanca universities. He corresponded with Erasmus of Rotterdam, Luis Vives and Juan Gines de Sepulveda. In 1548 he was appointed official chronicler of the court of Emperor Charles V. This is his major work "Silva de varia lección" first published in Seville in 1540. It was extremely popular and was translated into French, Italian and English in the 16th century. It is an encyclopedic miscellany or mixture of subjects of interest across the diverse repertoire of humanistic knowledge of the time, drawing on many classical writers including Aulus Gellius, Ateneo, Macrobius, Valerius Maximus, Polidoro Virgilio, Plutarch and the Natural History of Pliny the Elder. MORE IMAGES ATTACHED TO THIS LISTING, ALL ZOOMABLE. FURTHER IMAGES ON REQUEST. POSTAGE AT COST. Seller Inventory # 50351

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