Dan Wyman Books, LLC, Brooklyn, NY, U.S.A.
Seller rating 4 out of 5 stars
AbeBooks Seller since October 31, 2011
(FT) Original Newspaper. Folio. Numbers 2-25 are between 8-12 pages. Numbers 33-58 are 2 pages each. In Russian. Title translates to English as, "The Social Democrat. " Subtitle: "Tsentralnyy Organ Rossiyskoy Soctsial'demokraticheskoy Rabochey Partii" [The Central Organ of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party]. Contributing authors include Lenin, Trotsky and Martov. Includes supplements to numbers: 6, 19-20, 23, and 42. The Social-Democrat was "an illegal Russian newspaper, Central Organ of the R. S. D. L. P. , published from February 1908 to January 1917. Altogether 58 issues appeared. The first issue was put out in Russia, but further publication was arranged abroad, first in Paris, then in Geneva. The Editorial Board was made up of representatives of the Bolsheviks, the Mensheviks and the Polish Social-Democrats. The paper was largely run by Lenin, [who] fought for a consistent Bolshevik line on the Editorial Board. From December 1911 Sotsial-Demokrat was edited by Lenin. Lenin's articles published in Sotsial-Demokrat during the war played an important part in helping to apply the strategy and tactics of the Bolshevik Party on the questions of war, peace and revolution, in denouncing social-chauvinists, and uniting the internationalist forces in the world labour movement" (Encylopedia of Marxism) . CONTENTS INCLUDES: Tsel' Bor'by Proletariata v Nashey Revolyutsii [The purpose of the Struggle of the Proletariat in our Revolution] - Rabochaya Gruppa na Zhenskom Syezd [The Worker's Group at The Women's Congress] -Itogi Syezda Fabrichno-Zavodskikh Vrachey [The results of the congress of factory physicians] - Kont-Revolyutsiya I Burzhuaziya [Counter-revolution and Bourgeois] - Klassy I Partii v ikh Otnosheniy k Religii I Tserkvi [Classes and parties in their relations to religion and Church] - Vopros' o Professional'nykh Soyuzakh v 3-oy Dume [Questions on trade unions in the Third Duma] - O Fraktsii "Vperedovtsev" [About the Faction "Vpered"] - Fraktsiya Trotskogo I Partiynoe Polozhenie [Trotsky's faction and party position] - Mezhdunarodny Sotsialisticheskiy Syezd v Kopengagen [The International Socialist Congress in Copenhagen] - Karl Marks I Lev Tolstoy [Karl Marx and Tolstoy] - Stolypin I Revolyutsiya [Stolypin and the Revolution] - Voyna I Rossiyskaya Sotsial-Demokratiya [War and the Russian Social-Democracy] - Sotsialisticheskaya Partii Evropy vo Vremya Voyny [The Socialist Party of Europe during the War] - Povorot Martova [Martov's Turn] - Germanskaya Sotsial-Demokratiya I Buduschiy Internatsional' [German Social Democracy and the Future International] - Patsifizm ili Marksizm (Zloklyucheniya Odnogo Lozunga) [Pacifism or Marxism (Misadventures of a slogan) ] - Tsimmerval'd-Kintal': Vtoraya Tsimmerval'dskaya Konferentsiya [Zimmerwald-Kienthal: Second Zimmerwald Conference] - Povorot' v Mirovoy Politike [Turn in world politics]. All original prints except No. 25 (facsimile) . Most pages darkened and somewhat fragile but still nice; several pages with chipping at edges, some with minor loss of text. Good+ condition. (RUS-11-1). Seller Inventory # 29233
Publisher: Paris And Geneva, Rossiyskaya Sotsial-Demokratichnaya Rabochnaya Partiya [Russian Social Democratic Labor Party]
Publication Date: 1917
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