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Barbara A. Shailor, Consuelo Dutschke (eds). Pages: 604 p. Illustrations:193 b/w, 37 col., 27 tables b/w. Language(s):English, French, Italian. Hardback. Brepols, Publication Year:2021 -- SUMMARY Scribes played complex, often overlooked roles in the production of hand-written texts across Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance. Some scribes simply copied the exemplar; other scribes participated with authors and decorators in establishing the mise-en-page and overall appearance of a text. Many decisions needed to be made regarding the selection of text script; the style of rubrication, display scripts, and initials; the placement and execution of potentially elaborate illuminated images. What was the role of the scribe in contributing to the decision-making process or in determining the final format and material appearance of a document, scroll or codex? This volume explores many of the choices that a single scribe or groups of scribes would need to make when writing and presenting a text, whether in a monastic, cathedral or lay setting. The articles in the volume range from case studies of a single artifact to the analysis of multiple copies and versions of a particular text. The authors include eminent specialists in the field of manuscript studies as well as mid- and early career scholars. TABLE OF CONTENTS Keynote Stefano ZAMPONI (Università di Firenze Italia), The Papyri of Dura Europos in the History of Latin Script I papiri di Dura Europos nella storia della scrittura latina (In Italian, accompanied by an English translation) I. Tradition and Innovation: Classical Traditions and Medieval Innovations Serena AMMIRATI, (Università degli Studi Roma Tre), Il manoscritto latino di contenuto giuridico tra Antichità e Medioevo: strategie distintive e conservatorismo grafico da Oriente a Occidente Marilena MANIACI & Giulia OROFINO, (Università di Cassino e del Lazio meridionale), Making, Writing and Decorating the Bible: Montecassino, a Case Study Irene CECCHERINI (University of Oxford), The Shaping of the Latin Classics in 14th-Century Italy Julia MARVIN ( University of Notre Dame), The Rhetoric of Textual Presentation in Manuscripts of the Anglo-Norman Prose Brut Chronicle: When Foundation Stories Collide II. Decision Making and Workflow: Patrons, Authors And Scribes Jesús ALTURO & Tània ALAIX (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Categories of Promoters and Categories of Writings: The Free Will of the Scribes, Cause of Formal Graphic Differences Francisco ÁLVAREZ LÓPEZ & Julia CRICK (King s College London), Decision-Making and Workflow in the Making of Exon Domesday Laura PANI (Università degli Studi di Udine), Lay Scribes before c. 1100: Books, Texts, Scripts Sébastien BARRET (IRHT-CNRS: Institut de recherche et d'histoire des textes - Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Paris), Présentation des textes, discours diplomatique et responsables de la transcription des actes aux Xe et XIe siècles: quelques chartes clunisiennes Eef OVERGAAUW (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin), Authors, Scribes and Librarians. Literary Estates in Germany in the Fifteenth and early Sixteenth Century III. Text and Paratext: Structuring Texts, Structuring Books David GANZ (University College London, retired) Half-Uncial Scripts: a Way of Presenting Texts Andrew J. M. IRVING (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen), Mass by Design: Design Elements in Early Italian Mass Books Elena RODRÍGUEZ DÍAZ (Universidad de Huelva), Las rúbricas en los códices medievales de los reinos de León y Castilla (siglos XII-XV) Thomas FALMAGNE (Bibliothèque nationale de Luxembourg), L ordinatio dans les manuscrits de compilation Patrizia CARMASSI (Herzog August Bibliothek), Il prologo tra autore, scriba e manoscritto. Indagini su uso e funzione di un particolare paratesto in codici della Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel, e della Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Göttingen Dominique STUTZMANN (IRHT-CNRS: Institut de recherche et d'histoire des texte. Seller Inventory # ca670
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