Sententia ordinum regni Sveciæ, in quosdam de collegio senatorum, decimâ nonâ februarij, anno millesimo, quingentesimo, nonagesimo prolata. Similiter acta iuridici processus, unà cum sententiâ capitali, in quatuor patriæ perduelles, nempè Gustavum Baner, Ericum Sparre, Stenonem Baner, & Turonem Bielke, senatorio defunctos munere, Lincopiæ à statibus regni universis, anno millesimo, sexcentesimo pronunciatà: sicut etiàm perduellis illius Erici Sparre protestatio, contra præfatum iudicium, ab ipso in circo supplicij, quandò simul cum tribus illis memoratis perduellibus, promeritas luiturus esset poenas, ibidem vigesimâ martij recitata, atq; legitimâ responsione confutata. Denique in Hogenschildi Bielke crimina inquisitio facta, atq; legitima


Publication Date: 1610
Used Hardcover

From Mats Rehnström Rare Books SVAF, ILAB, Stockholm, Sweden Seller rating 3 out of 5 stars 3-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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Stockholm, ex molybdographiâ Guttervicianâ, 1610. 4:o. (2),90 pp. + (Stockholm, Kongl. tryckeriet?), 1700. 4:o. (8),142,(2 blanka),1-38,(2 blanka) pp. + Tübingen, J. G. Cottæ, 1665. 4:o. (4),146,(2) pp. Contemporary plain half calf, worn, boards covered with nice red sponge painted paper. Spine with tear and a few small wormholes. Second and third work partly foxed. Signatures. From Biby Manor in Sweden. Collijn Sveriges bibliografi 1600-talet 849 and Warmholtz Bibliotheca historica Sueo-Gothica 3339 for the first work and 5245 for the second one. Klemming Sveriges förhållanden p. 284 for the second work. VD17 12:151579W for the third work. "Sententia ordinum", which is an official account of the "Linköping bloodbath" in 1600, was published in Swedish in 1600 and 1609. The Latin translation is enlarged with the verdict against Hogenskild Bielke in 1605 and is translated by Johannes Messenius. Hermelin's work was printed in several later editions and translations. It is an answer to "Justae vindiciae" from the same year, a propaganda pamphlet against the Swedes which had been distributed by the Polish king August the Strong to point out all sorts of Swedish actions which had been contrary to the treaty between the two states. The aim was to make the neutral powers side with Poland against the Swedes and from a Swedish standpoint it became important to refute the accusations. The task was assigned to Olof Hermelin and the book was printed towards the end of the year 1700 and first distributed to the Swedish ministers abroad. The pamphlet of King August was refuted point by point and with the help of sources like Adam of Bremen and Snorre Sturlason Hermelin asserts that Sweden has an ancient right to Courland and Livonia, among other things. Olof Nilsson Skragge, raised to the nobility as Hermelin (born 1658, dead 1709, at the earliest) was professor in Dorpat and historiographer of the realm before becoming a diplomat during the reign of Charles XII. He co-wrote the unfinished texts for Dahlberg's "Suecia antiqua et hodierna". Hermelin disappeared during the battle of Poltava in 1709 and his final fate is unknown. Johann Adam Osiander (1622-97) was a German theologian working in Tübingen. Seller Inventory # 48751A

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Bibliographic Details

Title: Sententia ordinum regni Sveciæ, in quosdam ...
Publication Date: 1610
Binding: Hardcover
Condition: Good

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