thecatalogstarcom Ltd, Westbury, United Kingdom
Seller rating 4 out of 5 stars
AbeBooks Seller since February 21, 2017
Sotheby?s ? London, Sale title ? Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century British Drawings and Watercolours , Date ? 3rd April 1996, No. of lots - 230, No. of pages ? 106, Illustrated in colour and black & white, , INDEX, Absolon,j. 17 Fuseli,].H. 19,20,31 Owen,S. 135, Alken, H.G. 144, Atkinson,JA. 75 Gainsborough, T. 30,101 Palmer, S. 168, Gardner,D. 55,56 Pars, V 50, Bacon,]. 11 Gilpin,S. 59,60 Pocock, N. 95, Barker of Bath,1". 32 Goodall, E_. 199 Pouncey, B.T 103, Barnard, .'.H 97 Gooden.j.C. 21.::' Prosser, H 162, Barret./nr., G 134 Go(xh,in. A. 198. 214. 219, 220 Prout.S.G. 127, Bell,.J. 16 Graves,c. 128 Pyne, G. 133, Bentley,C 113,147 Grimm.S.H. 86,87 Pyne,].B. 99, Rest,l.-1.E 67, Re"Crlcy,W.R 151 Harrlin):!:.j.O. 180 Repton, H. 57, Bonington, RP. 149 Harris.]. 2'"13 Richards,j.! 58, Boys, T.S. li4 Ha·~I1. "' 90.104 Richardson, T.M. 152,179, Brabazon, H.B. 136,204,205.206 Heame. T. 85 Roberts, D. 194, 207.208,209,21O,211 Herbert,A. 164 Robins. T. 66, Buck, S. and N. 73 Hine. H.G. 213 Robson, G.I' 150, Buckler,]. 98 Holl,]. 102 Romney,G. 34,35,36,37,38, Bulwer,]. 146 Hoppner,]. 40 Rowlandson, T. 6, n, 78, 79,80,81, 114, Hunt,W.H. 195 Russell,j. 70, Cackett & Burns Dick 226,227, Callow,]. 123,171 IbbeL~on,j.C 29,74 Sandby, P. 116, Callow, W. 161,170,184 Shepheard,G. 28, Calven,E. 8 jenkins,.lJ 218 Shepllerd, G.S 1.::'9, Cheron, 1. 3 Jewell, K 45 Smith,.J.R. 71, Collet,j. 92 Johnson, 1-1 ./ 118,IBI Smith,.J.W. 106,107, lOB, 112, 130, Constable,J. 72 Sr.anficld, C. 176, Cook,S. 212 La Ca"(~, P SR Stuart, Sir j 131, Cotman, M.E. 61 l.aporte,j. 93, Cox.!nr., D. 117,153,1.')4 l.awrence,Sir T . 43,44,46,47 Turner, C. 51, Cox,D. 105,110, Ill, 120, 121, 122 48,52,53 Turner,j.r-.·I.W 178,185, 137,155,156,157,158,163 Leal', E. IB9, 190, lm, 192, 193, 196, Cristall,J. 23 197,200,201,202,203 Varler,C. 94, Grouch, V. 182.183 Legat, F. 9 Varier,]. 33,54,76,82,89,91,100,109, Leitch. W.L. 165,166,169 Vickers,A.G. 186, D*""',M, 11' Leman,R. 84, Davis,j.5 li5 Lens.B. 39 Waincwright, T.F. 172, de Wint,P. 115,132 Lewis.G.R. 167 ',ms,.I.T. 217, Duncan, E. 145 Lewis.].F. 173.216 Webber,J. 124,125,126, West. R.L. 7, Edridge, H. 96 ~ladise.D. 42 beatlC·.F. 41, Ehret,G.D. 62,63 Malchair,J.B. 24 bnnpcr.j.W. 160, English $chool 22,27,65,221,225 ~fallon, T. 4' ""ioon,R. 21, Manin,L Wood. W. 68, Farey, C.A. 228,229,230 Moliford, T. 69 Woodforde. S., Fidd,./ 83 Muller,W.J. 26.IH Woodington. Kr. 15, Fisher, T 64 Musman, E.B. 224 Wid.W. 187,188, Flaxman,j 12,13,14, lB, Fowke, CapL F 222 Nollckcns,j. 10 TInes.G. 138,139,140,141,142,143, Weight: 438g We use registered airmail for all parcels which are sent out from our depot in India. Parcels usually take 1 - 2 weeks to arrive at your selected destination. All parcels are shipped within 1 working day of payment being received. Seller Inventory # 56713
Title: Sothebys 1996 18th & 19th C British Drawings...
Condition: Marked
Seller: thecatalogstarcom Ltd, Westbury, United Kingdom
Condition: Good. Sotheby's ? London, Sale title ? Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century British Drawings and Watercolours , Date ? 3rd April 1996, No. of lots - 230, No. of pages ? 106, Illustrated in colour and black & white Library Sticker on first page , , INDEX, Absolon,j. 17 Fuseli,].H. 19,20,31 Owen,S. 135, Alken, H.G. 144, Atkinson,JA. 75 Gainsborough, T. 30,101 Palmer, S. 168, Gardner,D. 55,56 Pars, V 50, Bacon,]. 11 Gilpin,S. 59,60 Pocock, N. 95, Barker of Bath,1". 32 Goodall, E_. 199 Pouncey, B.T 103, Barnard, .'.H 97 Gooden.j.C. 21.::' Prosser, H 162, Barret./nr., G 134 Go(xh,in. A. 198. 214. 219, 220 Prout.S.G. 127, Bell,.J. 16 Graves,c. 128 Pyne, G. 133, Bentley,C 113,147 Grimm.S.H. 86,87 Pyne,].B. 99, Rest,l.-1.E 67, Re"Crlcy,W.R 151 Harrlin):!:.j.O. 180 Repton, H. 57, Bonington, RP. 149 Harris.]. 2'"13 Richards,j.! 58, Boys, T.S. li4 Ha·~I1. "' 90.104 Richardson, T.M. 152,179, Brabazon, H.B. 136,204,205.206 Heame. T. 85 Roberts, D. 194, 207.208,209,21O,211 Herbert,A. 164 Robins. T. 66, Buck, S. and N. 73 Hine. H.G. 213 Robson, G.I' 150, Buckler,]. 98 Holl,]. 102 Romney,G. 34,35,36,37,38, Bulwer,]. 146 Hoppner,]. 40 Rowlandson, T. 6, n, 78, 79,80,81, 114, Hunt,W.H. 195 Russell,j. 70, Cackett & Burns Dick 226,227, Callow,]. 123,171 IbbeL~on,j.C 29,74 Sandby, P. 116, Callow, W. 161,170,184 Shepheard,G. 28, Calven,E. 8 jenkins,.lJ 218 Shepllerd, G.S 1.::'9, Cheron, 1. 3 Jewell, K 45 Smith,.J.R. 71, Collet,j. 92 Johnson, 1-1 ./ 118,IBI Smith,.J.W. 106,107, lOB, 112, 130, Constable,J. 72 Sr.anficld, C. 176, Cook,S. 212 La Ca"(~, P SR Stuart, Sir j 131, Cotman, M.E. 61 l.aporte,j. 93, Cox.!nr., D. 117,153,1.')4 l.awrence,Sir T . 43,44,46,47 Turner, C. 51, Cox,D. 105,110, Ill, 120, 121, 122 48,52,53 Turner,j.r-.·I.W 178,185, 137,155,156,157,158,163 Leal', E. IB9, 190, lm, 192, 193, 196, Cristall,J. 23 197,200,201,202,203 Varler,C. 94, Grouch, V. 182.183 Legat, F. 9 Varier,]. 33,54,76,82,89,91,100,109, Leitch. W.L. 165,166,169 Vickers,A.G. 186, D*""',M, 11' Leman,R. 84, Davis,j.5 li5 Lens.B. 39 Waincwright, T.F. 172, de Wint,P. 115,132 Lewis.G.R. 167 ',ms,.I.T. 217, Duncan, E. 145 Lewis.].F. 173.216 Webber,J. 124,125,126, West. R.L. 7, Edridge, H. 96 ~ladise.D. 42 beatlC·.F. 41, Ehret,G.D. 62,63 Malchair,J.B. 24 bnnpcr.j.W. 160, English $chool 22,27,65,221,225 ~fallon, T. 4' ""ioon,R. 21, Manin,L Wood. W. 68, Farey, C.A. 228,229,230 Moliford, T. 69 Woodforde. S., Fidd,./ 83 Muller,W.J. 26.IH Woodington. Kr. 15, Fisher, T 64 Musman, E.B. 224 Wid.W. 187,188, Flaxman,j 12,13,14, lB, Fowke, CapL F 222 Nollckcns,j. 10 TInes.G. 138,139,140,141,142,143, Weight: 438g We use registered airmail for all parcels which are sent out from our depot in India. Parcels usually take 1 - 2 weeks to arrive at your selected destination. All parcels are shipped within 1 working day of payment being received. Seller Inventory # 8101
Quantity: 1 available
Seller: thecatalogstarcom Ltd, Westbury, United Kingdom
Condition: Good. Sotheby's - London, Sale title - Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century British Drawings & Watercolours, Date - 14th November 1996, No. of lots - 253, No. of pages - 134, Illustrated in colour and black & white, , INDEX, Absolon,j. 51 Flaxman,j. 79 Robins, TS. 164,172,184, Alexander,W. 217 Fripp,G.A. 135,112 Rooke,T.M. 229, Atkinson, J.A. 5,15,20,21,30,67.68 Frye, T 70 Rowlandson, T. 66,128, Austin,S. 155 Ruskin,j. 228,234, Gainsborough, T. 52.65 Russell,j. 74, Balmer,G. 195 Girtin,T. 13} Rymsdyk,A. 54, Benett,N. 244,245 Glover,J. 9}, Bentley,e. 158 Goodwin,A. 1~1, 142,239 Sandby,P. 84,137,219, Blake,W 221,253 Grimm,S.H. 90,91,95 Se)mour,j. 46,47,48, Bonington, R.P. 114 Simpson, W. 159, Brabazon, H.B. 225,226,237,238 Hamilton, H.D. 56 Smîrl?,R. 77, Branwhite,C. 213 Hare,A.J.e. 210 Smith,j. 97,102,139, Brewer,H.W. 193 Hine,H.G. 233 Smith,j.B. 136, Bright,H. 232 Holland, T 241 Stanley,e.R. 247, Buchinger. M. 50 Howitt, S. 3,8,9,11,12,17,18,22,24, Stark,A.j. 194, Buck,S. 71 25,31-37,41,44,45,211, Bucker,j. 103 Howse,G. 246 Topham,F.W. 156, Burgess,W. 109 Hunt,A.W. 62,187,208,215 Turner,C. 80, Burnell,B. 147 Hunt,WH. 175,242 Turner, j.M.W 53,113,163,180, Turner,W. 124, Callow,j. 186 1nce,j.M. 157, Callow, W 173 Vanderbank, j. 87,218, Carmichael,j.W. 61 johnson, H.j. 160,236 Varleyjnr.,j. 166, Carter,H.B. 178,191 johnson, j. 108 Varley,j. 85,98,99,101, Chalon, A.E. 224 Joy,W 171 118,123,127,154, Chambers, G. 189 Jutsum,H. 192 Von Holst, T. 96, Cheron,L. 93, Clark,j.H. 1,2,4,12,14,16,18,19, Lear,E. 198-202,204-207 Waterlow, Sir E.A. 230, 23,26-29,36,38-40,42 Lewis,j.F. 174,220 Weatherill,G. 177,188, Condy,N. 243 Luttrell,E. 76 West,W 167, Cooke,j. 49 Lutyens, Sir E.L. 252 White-Abbott, J. 129, Cooke, WB. 146 Williams,H.W. 216, Corbould, E.H. 196,197 Manskirch,F.j. 6,7,10,13,19,43 Wilson,A. 106,162, Cotes,F. 57,75 Marlow,W. 104 Wyld,W 235, Cotman,EG. 248 Marten,j. 119, Cotman,j.j. 249 McLeay,K. 203, Cotman,j.S. 60,111,115 Mortimer, J.H. 69, Cox,D. 126,143,150 Muller,Wj. 145,182, Cozens,J.R. 59,63,64 Munn,P.S. 121, Crotch,DrW 86, Cruickshank, G. 165 Naftel, P.J. 231, Cuit,G. 131 Nasmyth,A. 112, Danby,F. 107 Ottley,W.Y. 94, deWint,P. 100,148, Downman,J. 72,73 Palmer,S. 110,130, Duncan,E. 185 Parrott,R. 88, Payne, W 120,122, Eagles,j. 133 Pocock,N. 105,117, Edridge,H. 81,82,138 Powell,j. 168, Evans W, Farington J, Fielding AVC, Read C, Reinagle RR, Richardson Jr TM, Richardson Sr TM, Richmond G, Roberts D, Weight: 536g We use registered airmail for all parcels which are sent out from our depot in India. Parcels usually take 1 - 2 weeks to arrive at your selected destination. All parcels are shipped within 1 working day of payment being received. Seller Inventory # 8068
Quantity: 1 available