Sothebys 1998 Old Master & British Paintings, Works of Art
From thecatalogstarcom Ltd, Westbury, United Kingdom
Seller rating 4 out of 5 stars
AbeBooks Seller since February 21, 2017
From thecatalogstarcom Ltd, Westbury, United Kingdom
Seller rating 4 out of 5 stars
AbeBooks Seller since February 21, 2017
About this Item
Sotheby's - London, Sale title - Old Master Paintings, European Works of Art, British Paintings, British Watercolours, Date - 28th May 1998, No. of lots - 618, No. of pages - 145, Illustrated in colour, , INDEX, Adriaenssen, Van Dyck 205, Agricola, Ammon, Antwerp school, Ermels 179, Apshoven, Avont and Kessel, Falens 218, Finson, Baellieur, Fisches 37, Baets, Flemish School 33,185,198,207, Baldrighi, Florentine School 43, van Balen, Folli 65, Barocci, Fontenay 158, Beest, Francia 65, Beich, French School 222,229,232,235, Belle, Bellenge, Bellini, Gambarini 115, Berchem 196,197 Genoese School, Bloemen, German School 176,240,242, Bolognese School, Gobert 249, Borch, Gossaert 46, Boselli, Greuze 237, Boucher, Grevenbroeck 212, Boudewijns, Griffier 206, Bourdon, Guardi 260,263,265, Bout and Boudewijns, Brand, Hackert 195, Brandi, Hamilton J.G. 147, Brescian School, Hamilton P.E 145,151, Heemskerk, Carracci, Heyden 2, Carrefio, Hondius 25, Casteels, P., Hooch 34, Caullery 220,221 Horemans, Central European School, Horst 32, Champaigne, Huet 228, Cittadini, Coffermans, Italian School 77,78,85,144,165,233, Correggio, Juel 255, Cretan School, Cuylenborch, Keilhau 89, Kraus, Delft School, Kônig 174, Deruet, Diepram, Lambrechts 27, Diest, Largillière 245,246, Dijk, Laroche 257, Diziani, Lauri III, Does, Lefebvre 251, Dolci 100,171 Lens, Dolci and Guercino, Levrec- Tournières 168, Domenichino and Guercino, Lille 236, Durante, Lombard School 64, Dusart, Loo 250, Dutch School 10,14,133,190,194 Loth, Duyven, Maes 167 Sablet 258, Maratta 79, 137 Sassoferrato 75, Marieschi 264 Schiavone 104, Massys 44 Schoevaerdts, Master of the Female Half Lengths 49 Simons 148, Master of the Prodigal Son 38 Sirani 84, Meulen 216 Snyders 152, Meyer 5 South Netherlandish school 47, Miereveldt 130,126 Spanish Colonial 61,50,54,57,59,149, Mignard 224 Spanish Colonial School 52, Mijn 28 Stanzione 86, Monnoyer 160 Stomer 87, Monogrammist Aw 41 Strij 23, Monogrammist IS 42,150 Sustermans 129, Morales 51 Sweerts 8, Murillo 55,56,204, Teniers 9,17, Neapolitan school 74,161 Tiepolo 135, Neer 7,192 Tillemans 217, Netscher 29 Tintoretto 96, 139, North Italian School 68,99,112 Tischbein 241,243, Titian 125, Noter 201 Torregiani 110, Nuzzi 162 de Troy 225, Ostade 15 Valencian School 53, Valentino 155, Palamedesz 13 Vasari 73, Pannini 119,120 Veen 101, Passerotti 143 Venetian School 82,97,140, Piedmontese school 231 Venetian school 141, Pillement 223 Veneto-Cretan School 62, Poel 4 Verbruggen 164, Poelenburgh 189 Vermeulen 208,209, Pot 136 Vernet 238, Pourbus 127,244 Vinckboons 184, Pozzoserrato 67 Vonck 146, Prague school 180 Vouet 76,226, Preudhomme 227, Pulzone 142 Wael 19, Wassenbergh 35, Querfurt 213 Watteau,A. 239, Quinkhardt 134 Watteau, L.F.]. 236, Wet 31, Raphael 92,93,94,98 Wouwerman 215, Reder 219, Rembrandt 132 Zuccarelli 116, Reni 172 Zurbaran 58, Ricci,M 113,114, Ricci, S. 107, Rocca 118, Roche 257, Roman School 81, lOS, 106, Rombouts 6,26, Rubens 121,122,123,124,175, Ruisdael 191, Weight: 503g We use registered airmail for all parcels which are sent out from our depot in India. Parcels usually take 1 - 2 weeks to arrive at your selected destination. All parcels are shipped within 1 working day of payment being received. Seller Inventory # 9004
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