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11 volumes in ten (issues 7 and 8 bound in one volume). Oblong folio (10-3/4" x 14"). Original stiff decorative wrappers, spiral-bound. Unpaginated, but approximately 100 pages to each volume. Including six 10" recordings (in issues 4, 7/8, and 9). Complete. Together with Source Supplement November 1970, octavo, blue printed wrappers, 8 pp. With striking typography, photographs, graphics, notation, etc., in multi-colors and black and white on multiple paper stocks, to each issue. Original 10" LP recordings, 35 mm. slides, and other supplementary material bound in. Highlights include: Issue Number 1 (Vol. 1, No 1, January 1967): A collection of "circular scores" by Robert Ashley; a Harry Partch photo spread, etc. Issue Number 2 (Vol. 1, No. 2, July 1967): Works by Cage, Ichiyanagi, Partch, and Lunetta; a conversation with Morton Feldman; a Tudor photo spread, etc. Issue Number 3 (Vol. 2, No. 1, January 1968): Works by Budd, Reich, multi-color scores by Bryand and Lenz; essays by Oliveros, Rzewski, the First Festival of Live Electronic Music, and music ensembles including New Music, ONCE, Sonic Arts, and musica elettronica viva, etc. Issue Number 4 (Vol. 2, No. 2, July 1968): "Source Record Number One" and "Source Record Number Two" featuring works by Ashley, Austin, Behrman, and Bryant; an Oliveira "score map slide," etc. Issue Number 5 (Vol. 3, No. 1, January 1969): a Lunetta score in cartoon form; Hassell's work for magnetic tape; Childs Event Machine; an essay by Dick Higgins; a Lockwood photo spread with directions for Glass Concerto, etc. Issue Number 6 (Vol. 3, No. 2, July 1969): the "shot-gun issue" with Higgins's The Thousand Symphonies including a page riddled with bullet holes; Rosenbloom's And Coming Up Dripping; a striking Christou score, etc. Issues Number 7/8 (Vol. 4, Nos. 1 and 2, 1970): "Source Record Number Three" and "Source Record Number Four"; the first publication of Lucier's I am sitting in a room," etc. Issue Number 9 (Vol. 5, No. 2, 1971): "Source Record Number Five" and "Source Record Number Six"; Cross's Musica Instrumentalis with cut-out pages and the score; photographs; the score for Fur Music notated with actual fur, etc. Issue Number 10 (Vol. 5, No. 2, 1971): works by Cardew, Lucier, Marshall, Oliveros and Reich; essays on the Scratch Orchestra and Portsmith Sinfonia, etc. Issue Number 11 (Vol. 6, no. 2, 1973): contributions by Albrecht, Christo, Neuhaus, Slonimsky, et al. Each issue with approximately 10 articles written by the major figures in avant garde music of the time, including Dietrich Albrecht, Charles Amirkhanian, Eric Andersen, Robert Ashley, Larry Austin, David Behrman, Mario Bertoncini, Joseph Beuys, Anthony Branxton, Eugen Brikcius, Jacques Brodier, Earle Brown, Allan Bryant, Boudewijn Buckinx, Harold Budd, Jim Burns, John Cage, Cornelius Cardew, Giuseppe Chiari, Paul Chihara, Barney Childs, Christo, Jani Christou, Philip Corner, Lowell Cross, Alvin Curran, John Dinwiddie, Peter Donath, Manfred Eaton, Robert Erickson, Morton Feldman, Robert Filliou, Fluxus, Lukas Foss, David Freund, Ken Friedman, Kira Gale, Peter Garland, Gentle Fire, Tony Gnazzo, Victor Grauer, Joel Gutsche, Gyula Gulyas, Olaf Hanel, Sven Hansell, John Hassell, Dick Higgins, Lejaren Hiller, Stu Horn, Nelson Howe, Jerry Hunt, Toshi Ichiyanagi, Image Bank, Zdzislaw Jurkiewicz, Udo Kasemets, Per Kirkeby, Paul Klerr, Milan Knizak, Jaroslaw Kozlowski, Carson Jeffries, Bengt Emil Johnson, Will Johnson, Ben Johnston, Alan Kaprow, Ed Kobrin, Alcides Lanza, Douglas Leedy, Daniel Lentz, Anna Lockwood, Arrigo Lora-Totino, Alvin Lucier, Mary Lucier, Stanley Lunetta, Eva Lurati, Stuart Marshall, Richard Martin, Harvey Matusow, Tom Marioni, Ken Maue, Dora Maurer, Maria Michalowska, John Mizelle, Robet Moran, Gordon Mumma, Keith Muscutt, Naked Software, Max Neuhaus, Nam June Paik, the New Percussion Quartet, Jocy de Oliveira, Pauline Oliveros, Harry Partch, Jon Phetteplace, the Portsmouth Sinfonia, David Reck, Steve Reich, Jock Re. Seller Inventory # 39186
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