Jesien, Katarzyna et al
From Librairie La forêt des Livres, Lévis, QC, Canada
Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars
AbeBooks Seller since May 29, 2012
From Librairie La forêt des Livres, Lévis, QC, Canada
Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars
AbeBooks Seller since May 29, 2012
About this Item
Bilingual book : English and Polish Subtitle : Between earth and heaven. Articles : « A Modern Theatre's Longest journey - A Passion Play about the Torture of Giordano Bruno - A tribute to Andrzej Rzopecki - A Song of War - On the Road to Emmaus - O.I.I. (Oberlut Immortality Infection) - Stardust - Millenium Mysteries for Modern Times - The Mysteries of the Manuscript - Man of Pig - Who Will the Man who Survives Become ? - Planet Lem, or a Journey's to Dystopia - Three of Teatr Biuro Podrozy's Leading Personalities Talk to Katarzyna Jesien.». Seller Inventory # R711
Bibliographic Details
Publisher: Instytut Adama Mickiewicza - Adam Mickiewicza Institute, Pologne
Publication Date: 2011
Binding: Couverture rigide
Condition: Neuf
Dust Jacket Condition: Neuf
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