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Hanover, 1711; Halle, 1704. Three Notable Treatises Useful to a Practicing Lawyer or Wealthy Landowner Oettinger [Oetinger], Johann [1577-1633]. Tractatus de Jure et Controversiis Limitum, Ac Finibus Regundis, Oder Grundlicher Bericht Von den Grantzen und Marcksteinen, Wie durch Dieselbe der Konigreiche, Landschaften, Furstenthume, Bissthumer . Gebiete, Weydreichin, Marckungen, Zwing und Bann, Nach Ausweisung der Gemeinen Rechten, Und eines Jeden Lands Gewohnheit, Unterschieden, Eingesteint, Und die Daraus Enstehende Nachbarliche Streitigkeiten und Missverstande Erortert und Beygeleget Werden Sollen. Hanover: Zu Finden bey Nicolaus Forstern, 1711. [xxxii], 443 pp. Double folded title page. 20 woodcuts illustrating geometrical calculations. Lacking folding map. [Bound with] Stryk, Samuel [1640-1710]. Fundamenta Iuris Iustinianei, Ad Ordinem Institutionum Succinctis Aphorismis in Usum Auditorum Proposita. Accesserunt Resolutiones Casuum in Matrimoniis & Successionibus ut et Memoriale Legum in Foro, Maxime Necessariarum. Halle: Sumptibus Io. Godofredi Rengeri, 1704. [xviii], 266, [6] pp. Lacking blank leaf before p. 1. [And] Rivinus, Quintus Septimius Florens [1651-1713]. Specimen Exceptionum Forensium: Exhibens Dilatorias ad Usum Fori Saxonici Accomodatas. In Gratiam Auditorum Suorum Editum. Leipzig: Sumptibus Davidis Fleischeri, 1701. [ii], 279, [3] pp. Octavo (6-1/2" x 4"). Contemporary vellum with yapp edges, early hand-lettered titles to spine, edges rouged. Moderate soiling, minor tear to foot of spine, vellum just beginning to crack through pastedowns, hinges cracked, some worming to boards, endleaves and parts of text block with minor loss to text and no loss to legibility, lower corner lacking from leaf N2 (pp. 193-194) with some loss to text. Title pages printed in red and black. Moderate toning, somewhat heavier in places, occasional faint dampstaining to margins. $950. * Later editions. This volume collects three works that would have been useful to a practicing lawyer or wealthy landowner in Saxony. Oettinger was a distinguished geographer, cartographer and surveyor. First published in 1607, his Tractatus de Jure et Controversiis Limitum, deals with legal aspects of surveying and boundaries according to Roman law. A useful study, it went through nine editions by 1729. One of the gre. Seller Inventory # 67758
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