Used and antiquarian brick-and-mortar bookstore in business since 2017.
Specialties include Books as art, Books on Books, Bound leather books from the 16th-21st centuries, Art, Cooking, History (Connecticut, American, French, World), and Historical U.S. newspapers), Manuscript pages from the 13th - 16th centuries, Sports: Baseball, Football, Hockey before ice, Telephony. We also have Sheet Music. Want lists welcomed.
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Terms of Sale:
All orders shipped promptly. Book shipped in sturdy cartons (not in bags).
Sheet music,, manuscript leaves, and magazines shipped in card-stock envelopes.
Condition is guaranteed.
Shipping Terms:
DOMESTIC (Within the U.S.)
- BOOKS - Sent Media Mail; shipping rates are based on total weight of the order.
- SHEET MUSIC, MANUSCRIPT LEAVES and MAGAZINES - Flat rate of $3.86 regardless of quantity. We ship First Class up to 13 ounces; media mail 14 ounces and up.
INTERNATIONAL. Rates for outside the U.S. are based on weight.
Note: We have never lost a package, although some overseas packages have taken longer than expected.
Sorry, we cannot ship to Germany (due to experienced delays) or to Russia.