Transformer Books is now trading as a mail order seller almost exclusively. Specialist subjects are sciences, foreign languages, and science fiction and fantasy, with substantial selections also in crime fiction, academic and general interest. Enquiries by mail or email are welcome; especially since only a portion of the stock is listed online so far. For environmental reasons we make it a policy to recycle whatever packaging materials we can.
Orders usually ship within 2 business days. Shipping rates are now based on 500g book, to be fairer in these days of steadily increasing postage prices, to buyers of average and smaller sized books; for heavier books we will Request Extra Shipping to the correct amount. Similarly cost of a 2nd book is based on an increment of not more than 500g, and we will request Extra Shipping if a combined parcel will cost more. Surface mail virtually does not now exist, and the distinction between Priority and Economy is now between Airmail Tracked/Signed delivery and Standard Airmail. We now use Request Additional Shipping for the tracked/signed supplement as well as on higher weights, since the postal services are in chaos at present and are currently unreliable regarding losses. Unfortunately booksellers have no influence on the postal services.
Current Conditions. Since international postal services are almost universally in chaos at present, largely Covid-generated, with huge delays and some losses, I have removed the Standard airmail option from non-European destinations for the duration.
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United Kingdom
Terms of Sale:
Returns in accord with policy, but postage not refunded unless bookseller error.
28 Fernleigh Rd Glasgow G43 2UB
CA Weaver
Shipping Terms:
Orders usually ship within 2 business days. Shipping rates are now based on 500g book, to be fairer in these days of steadily increasing postage prices, to buyers of average and smaller sized books; for heavier books we will Request Extra Shipping to the correct amount. Similarly cost of a 2nd book is based on an increment of not more than 500g, and we will request Extra Shipping if a combined parcel will cost more. Surface mail virtually does not now exist, and the distinction between Priority and Economy is now between Airmail Tracked/Signed delivery and Standard Airmail
Current Conditions. Since international postal services are almost universally in chaos at present, largely Covid-generated, with huge delays and some losses, I have removed the Standard airmail option from non-European destinations for the duration.