Microsperma Bartonioides. Chromolithographie aus Lemaire, C.: Le Jardin Fleuriste.
From Antiquariat Bücheretage, Bonn, Germany
Seller rating 4 out of 5 stars
AbeBooks Seller since May 10, 2001
From Antiquariat Bücheretage, Bonn, Germany
Seller rating 4 out of 5 stars
AbeBooks Seller since May 10, 2001
About this Item
Ca. 23,5 x 15,8 cm. Mit Textblatt. Leicht gebräunt. Rand mit kleinen Löchern. Seller Inventory # 53760CB
Bibliographic Details
Title: Microsperma Bartonioides. Chromolithographie...
Publisher: Gand, C. Lemaire et E. Gyselynck.
Publication Date: 1851
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