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Explore the diverse and talented voices of 20 must-read Australian authors with a list of new and second hand books to buy online, read or gift.
In this list of the best dystopian novels, extreme cosmetic surgery is enforced, America breaks into a second Civil War, and animals rebel. Prepare to be disturbed, and utterly enthralled.
This curated list of non-fiction books covers the gamut, from compelling war stories to key feminist texts, to unbelievable struggles for survival, to tales of life in the culinary trade.
This list of books includes three each from Robert Louis Stevenson and George Orwell, and two each from Charles Dickens and Ray Bradbury. The settings include two islands, an inn, a farm, a hospital and a garden.
October 11, 2022
Discover millions of copies of cheap used books for sale. Save money, be sustainable, support independent booksellers, and choose from a huge selection of literature.
June 11, 2021
AbeBooks offers a massive selection of rare, collectible and vintage books for sale. You will find antiquarian books, out-of-print books, first editions, signed and inscribed copies, incunabula, and limited editions. Something for every book collection.
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AbeBooks regularly publishes fascinating features about a huge variety of bookish subjects, publishers, and interesting characters in literature and notable anniversaries.
October 19, 2021
Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time high fantasy series is epic in more ways than one. There are 14 novels where Jordan creates an imaginary magical world in immense detail and introduces thousands of good and evil characters.
1 Min Read
By Jessica Doyle
November 30, 2021
Written for the stage but just as good a read as any novel, a plays book is a book that contains the script of one or more dramatic plays. This list of 15 plays books includes well-known classics like A Street car Named Desire and Twelve Angry Men alongside modern award-winners including Water by the Spoonful and Wit.
1 Min Read
By Jessica Doyle
November 08, 2021
The top fiction and non fiction books of 2021. Our top picks for the best books of the year include Pulitzer and Nobel Prize winners, New York Times bestsellers, and many titles shortlisted for the year's big book awards.
1 Min Read
November 25, 2021
Discover 25 books written by African American authors between 1850 and 1930. Our list includes novels, memoirs, autobiographies, short stories and essays, poetry, and investigative journalism.
1 Min Read
By Jessica Doyle
December 20, 2021
What makes a good book club book? A controversial read may be best for lively discussion. Others may prefer to keep the peace with an all-around crowd pleaser. Here are 25 books for book clubs.
1 Min Read
November 02, 2022
The top fiction and non-fiction books of 2022. Our top picks for the best books of the year include Jennifer Egan, Ian McEwan, Kate Atkinson, Celeste Ng, NoViolet Bulawayo, and Brit Pop star Jarvis Cocker.
1 Min Read
By Katie Yakovleva
June 15, 2021
At AbeBooks, we believe there is something special about reading. And we don’t just love to read books. We love to talk about them.
July 27, 2021
The mythical, the magical, and the magnificent! Fairy tales are some of our earliest stories and for centuries, children and adults alike have pored over the tales of princes and princesses, beasts and fairies.
1 Min Read
July 28, 2021
It can be safely said that Jane Austen is one of the best-loved English authors of all time. Born December 16, 1775, Austen made a mark on the literary world with her romantic fiction set among the landed gentry in England.
3 Min Read