Due canzoni popolari napolitane dal secolo XVI. Ristampate in caratteri detti di civiltà ed accompagnate d'un saggio di traduzione svedese in versi rimati da Carlo Wahlund.

Wahlund, Carl (transl. & ed.)

Published by Carl Wahlund (1846-1913) was Professor of Romance languages at Uppsala university and published several old texts, such as the chanson de geste "Les Enfances Vivien". He donated his outstandig collection of French and Provencal books to Uppsala university. Hjalmar Lundgren (1880-1953) was a Swedish librarian and writer who studied at Uppsala, where he also served at the University Library before returning to his native town of Norrköping. He also translated some French literature into Swedish, and shared many of Wahlund's interests. They are both well-known as book collectors.
Soft cover

From Hatt Rare Books ILAB & CINOA, Hägersten, Sweden

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