MISCELLANEA SACRA: Jesaiae Caput LIV. Psalmos CXXI. & CXXII. Aliaque argumenta tam theologica quam exegetica enucleantia & exponentia; inter illa eminent duae dissertationes, quarum altera demostrantur obligatio hominis Christiani ad sacram coenam. Altera complectitur errores virorum doctorum in delineando tabernaculo Mosis; figuris aeneis illustrata & ornata; binis orationibus adjectis. [.his two dissertations, one of which concerns the obligation of a Christian to come to the holy the Lord's Supper: .the other which embraces the errors of the doctors, the men, concerning the tabernacle of Moses.]
[Hebrew Scripture; Tabernacle]; Mill (Millii; Millius) David
From Buddenbrooks, Inc., Newburyport, MA, U.S.A.
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AbeBooks Seller since August 19, 1998