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Primera edición con su encuadernación original, en un ejemplar de procedencia Real. First edition with his original bindings, this is a copy of Royal origin. "In November 1867, Whymper arrived back in England where his account of his travels, Travel and Adventure in the Territory of Alaska, was published in 1868. In 1869, he went back to the United States, by way of New York City to San Francisco and worked on the staff of the newspaper Alta California. City directories describe him as an artist and mining engineer, and in 1871 he was a founding member of the San Francisco Art Association. He returned to England at some point, publishing The Heroes of the Arctic and their Adventures and The Sea: Its Stirring Story of Adventure, Peril and Heroism, prior to his death in London on 26 November 1901 by what is listed as "failure of the heart, probably due to indigestion, arising from sedentary pursuits", in his obituary". I: 1 lámina, VIII hojas, 320 páginas, 2 hojas. II: 1 lámina, VIII hojas, 320 páginas, 2 hojas. III: 1 lámina, VIII hojas, 320 páginas, 2 hojas. IV: 1 lámina, VIII hojas, 320 páginas, 2 hojas. Ilustrado con profusión de láminas de grabados, en forma de viñetas y a toda página, mapas, retratos, etc., dentro y fuera de texto. Nota manuscrita a lapiz con caligrafia grande "Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia", P. 1881". Ex libris y etiqueta encolada de la biblioteca privada del Rey Vittorio Emanuele III. Hermosa encuadernación percalina estampada en negro y dorado, con una composición romántica, en la parte superior vemos un gran barco de vapor surcando el mar, ornamentado con una orla con caracter náutico. Magnífico estado de conservación. 4 vols. 26,5x19,5 cm. Seller Inventory # 026454
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