Carte des découvertes faites en 1778 dans les Mers de Chine et de Tartarie.

Pérouse, la Jean Francois ( 1741 - 1788 ) Paris

Published by Artist: Pérouse la Jean Francois ( - 1788 ) Parisissued in: unknown; - Jean-François de Galaup de La Pérouse (1741 1788) was a French Naval officer and explorer whose expedition vanished in Oceania La Pérouse crossed the Pacific Ocean in 100 days arriving at Macau where he sold the furs acquired in Alaska dividing the profits among his men Lapérouse sailed all the way south to the Spanish Las Californias in 1786 He stopped at the Presidio of San Francisco long enough to create an outline map of the Bay Area Plan du Port du St Francois which was reproduced as Map 33 in L Aubert's 1797 Atlas du Voyage de la Perouse Laterhe arrived in Monterey Bay and at the Presidio of Monterey In 1787 after a visit to Manila he set out for the northeast Asia, 1741

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Technic: Copper print, colorit: colored, condition: Mounted, left lower corner replaced, size (in cm): 50 x 69 cm; - Map shows the Pacific ocean with South Corea, Islands of Riu -Kiu, Tai- Wan, Islands Mariane and partly the Philipines. Seller Inventory # SE0248_500

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Bibliographic Details

Title: Carte des découvertes faites en 1778 dans ...
Publisher: Artist: Pérouse la Jean Francois ( - 1788 ) Parisissued in: unknown; - Jean-François de Galaup de La Pérouse (1741 1788) was a French Naval officer and explorer whose expedition vanished in Oceania La Pérouse crossed the Pacific Ocean in 100 days arriving at Macau where he sold the furs acquired in Alaska dividing the profits among his men Lapérouse sailed all the way south to the Spanish Las Californias in 1786 He stopped at the Presidio of San Francisco long enough to create an outline map of the Bay Area Plan du Port du St Francois which was reproduced as Map 33 in L Aubert's 1797 Atlas du Voyage de la Perouse Laterhe arrived in Monterey Bay and at the Presidio of Monterey In 1787 after a visit to Manila he set out for the northeast Asia
Publication Date: 1741

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