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Euphrosyne: Studies in Ancient Epic and its Legacy in Honor of Dimitris N Maronitis - Hardcover

9783515076128: Euphrosyne: Studies in Ancient Epic and its Legacy in Honor of Dimitris N Maronitis

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A collection of 26 international papers which consider the influence of Homeric epic on Roman and modern literature. The book includes examinations of themes within the Ilaiad and Odyssey , such as anger and disease, father and son relationships and Odysseus' speeches. Other papers present broader analyses of stylistic characteristics of ancient epic and place it within a cultural context. Contributors also examine Virgil's contribution to the genre and more recent works such as Joyce's Ulysses and Erich Auerbach's Mimesis . This is a scholarly work, not aimed at the casual reader, sprinkled with Greek extracts, some of which are translated. Fourteen essays are in English, eleven in German and one in French.

"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.

Language Notes

Text: English, German, French

"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.

  • PublisherFranz Steiner Verlag
  • Publication date1999
  • ISBN 10 3515076123
  • ISBN 13 9783515076128
  • BindingHardcover

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