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Small archive of four typed and one autograph letters, signed to Tom and Lula Gooch, spanning the years of 1932-1952. Various sizes and stationaries, one addressed envelope included. Very good or better condition with a few showing creases from folding. Tom and Lula Gooch were prominent Dallas citizens for the better part of the first half of the twentieth century. Starting at the Daily Times-Herald in 1901 as a cartoonist, Tom later served as editor, publisher, editor in chief, and president from 1941-1952, after which the paper was called the Dallas Times Herald. Lula was an active musician and philanthropist in the city, serving as honorary director of the Dallas Art Association and violinist in the Dallas Symphony Orchestra in her younger years. Letters include: 1. ALS from Frederick Palmer, American journalist and author, thanking Mr. Gooch for a nice visit to Dallas (and delicious waffles). Dated January 29, '32. Palmer includes, as thanks with this letter, a 2 volume set of his work, presumably "Newton D. Baker: America at War," which was published in 1931. 2. TLS from James A. Farley, who served as chairman of both the New York State and National Democratic Committees as well as Postmaster General under FDR. This letter is dated October 21, 1940, an interesting time for Farley, splitting with Roosevelt and seeking his own presidential bid that year. The letter thanks Tom for a nice note he had written after having Farley sign his copy of "Behind the Ballots." Farley mentions, "These are rather strenuous days, and you can imagine I am being pursued on all sides." 3. TLS from Oveta Culp Hobby, on her Houston Post stationary, where she served as executive vice president at the time. Hobby would later become the first Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare under Eisenhower. Hobby thanks Lula and Tom for their congratulatory wire on her election to the presidency of the Southern Newspaper Publishers Association. 4. Another TLS from Oveta Culp Hobby, with accompanying envelope, thanking Lula for sending her an editorial. 5. TLS from editor and artist, Fleur Cowles, on her Flair magazine stationary and dated January 9, 1952. The letter thanks Tom and Lula for a wonderful luncheon (and unbelievably beautiful fruit and flower decor), organized in her honor. An interesting and wide-ranging collection of correspondence from the files of a great Dallas newspaper man. Seller Inventory # 4361
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