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New Developments in Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics Cargèse 1976 (Nato ASI Subseries B:) - Hardcover

9780306357268: New Developments in Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics Cargèse 1976 (Nato ASI Subseries B:)


The 1976 Cargese Summer Institute was devoted to the study of certain exciting developments in quantum field theory and critical phenomena. Its genesis occurred in 1974 as an outgrowth of many scientific discussions amongst the undersigned, who decided to form a scientific committee for the organization of the school. On the one hand, various workers in quantum field theory were continuing to make startling progress in different directions. On the other hand, many new problems were arising from these various domains. Thus we feIt that 1976 might be an appropriate occasion both to review recent developments and to encourage interactions between researchers from different backgrounds working on a common set of unsolved problems. An important aspect of the school, as it took place, was the participation of and stimulating interaction between such a broad spectrum of theorists. The central topics of the school were chosen from the areas of solitons, phase transitions, critical behavior, the renormalization group, gauge fields and the analysis of nonrenormalizable field theories. A noteworthy feature of these topics is the interpene­ tration of ideas from quantum field theory and statistical mechanics whose inherent unity is seen in the functional integral formulation of quantum field theory. The actual lectures were partly in the form of tutorials designed to familiarize the participants with re­ cent progress on the main topics of the school. Others were in the form of more specialized seminars reporting on recent research.

"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.

  • PublisherPlenum Publishing Corporation
  • Publication date1977
  • ISBN 10 0306357267
  • ISBN 13 9780306357268
  • BindingHardcover
  • LanguageEnglish
  • Edition number1
  • Number of pages473

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Condition: Very Good
26 cm X, 473 S. Leinen (Blauer... View this item

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Lévy, Maurice [Hrsg.]
Published by Plenum Press, New York [u.a.], 1977
ISBN 10: 0306357267 ISBN 13: 9780306357268
Used Hardcover

Seller: Gebrauchtbücherlogistik H.J. Lauterbach, Gummersbach, NRW, Germany

Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

Leinen. Condition: Gut. 26 cm X, 473 S. Leinen (Blauer Leinen). Sprache: Englisch, Zustand: Gut min. gebräunt (Innen); Besitzerstempel (Innen); Einband Außen hat geringe bis leichte Gebrauchsspuren; Archivex. mit Klebestreifenrest (Außen); Besitzerstempel auf Schnitt, oben ist gering angestaubt; Schutzumschlag fehlt, oder es gibt keinen; * Die Photos sind original von uns erstellt worden, u.a. erkennbar an einem kleinen weißen Stück Papier im oberen Schnitt. Ab und an verwenden Suchmaschinen Verlagsphotos, bei den Portalen selbst, werden aber nur unsere Originalphotos gezeigt. Seller Inventory # 790248

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Maurice Levy,M. Levy
Published by Plenum Publishing Corporation, 1977
ISBN 10: 0306357267 ISBN 13: 9780306357268
Used Hardcover

Seller: Hay-on-Wye Booksellers, Hay-on-Wye, HEREF, United Kingdom

Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

Condition: Good. Taping to the top of the spine. The jacket is a little bent and creased. Some dirt marks to both sides. The content is clean and readable throughout, signature to the inside cover. Seller Inventory # 081071-7

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Levy, M.:
Published by Berlin: Springer, 1977
ISBN 10: 0306357267 ISBN 13: 9780306357268
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Seller: Antiquariat Bernhardt, Kassel, Germany

Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

kartoniert. Zust: Gutes Exemplar. Mit original Schutzumschlag. 473 Seiten Englisch 1060g. Seller Inventory # 484701

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US$ 69.20
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