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Visions of Health : Understanding Iridology - Softcover

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9780895294333: Visions of Health : Understanding Iridology


For over one hundred years, researchers have studied the links between health and the patterns, colors, and textures of the iris. In the United States, Dr. Bernard Jensen brought the art of reading the iris into the twentieth century. In Visions of Health, Drs. Jensen and Bodeen describe the basics of iris analysis in easy-to-understand language with dozens of illustrations and color photos, as well as charts for reading your own eyes and those of friends. They believe that with this book in hand, you can recognize weaknesses in the iris and adjust your lifestyle to achieve optimum health.

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About the Author

Dr. Bernard Jensen, known as the father of holistic health, practiced natural healing therapies for more than seventy years, lectured in more than two dozen countries, and counseled and taught more than 350,000 patients. He was the recipient of the President's Award by the National Nutritional Foods Association, the Golden Carrot Award by the Center for the Advancement of Cancer Education, and the Pioneer Doctor of the Year Award by the National Health Federation. A true legend in the field of natural health, Dr. Jensen helped millions achieve a better quality of life in body, mind, and spirit.

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

What This Book Is About . . .

· This book shows you how to look into eyes and tell the body’s inherent weaknesses and strengths.

· This book explains why some people are nearly always well in spite of their indiscretions, while others who try to take care of themselves are sick.

· This book explains the meaning of colors seen in the eyes and how eye color can be changed or modified.

· This book reveals what you can and cannot learn from the eyes using iridology.

· This book tells you the four most important things to take care of in order to gain and maintain better health.

· This book shows the importance of integrating other natural-health-care disciplines, especially nutrition, with iridology in order to build health.

The dictionary definition here is reprinted with permission from W. B. Saunders Co. It is from Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary, 27th edition © 1988 by W. B. Saunders Co.

The photographs on the back cover and the artwork and black-and-white photographs on pages 9, 22–23, 25, 26, 30, 32, 42, 64, 68, 148–149, 150–151, 152–153, and 156 are copyrighted by and used with permission from Dr. Bernard Jensen.

It sometimes seems a great sacrifice to dedicate one’s life to a truth or a belief. Yet because of this unselfish application of certain individuals, truth takes on real meaning. I humbly acknowledge my gratitude to the mentors I have had who have, through their dedication, helped me to put light in dark places. I hope I have used their knowledge wisely for the benefit of the wholistic healing arts and mankind.


Iridology has been something of an orphan. No healing art in particular has seen fit to adopt it, to be identified with it. It is a fact of life that most new concepts are at first rebuffed. I have found iridology to be a most useful tool. Married to nutrition, it has been indispensable in practice. As with nutrition and all things ahead of their time, I believe, iridology’s day in the sun is in the process of arriving.



The authors wish to thank their wives, Marie Jensen and Joyce Bodeen, without whose assistance and understanding, life would be infinitely more difficult.

We also wish to thank our publisher, the Avery Publishing Group, and its staff for all their kindness, patience, and professional assistance in the preparation of this book.


Do you believe that you are what you eat? Today, the overwhelming majority of people will answer “yes.” With this thought in mind, Dr. Bernard Jensen has dedicated his life to the search for good health through nutritional excellence. Internationally acclaimed and the author of numerous books, he has guided people to improve their quality of life and health by changing their eating habits. Dr. Jensen, at age 83—but looking twenty years younger!—is a living example of how we can achieve perfect harmony between the physical and the emotional. In addition, with improved nutritional habits, we can help to reduce the killer stress factor that is all too prevalent in our daily lives.

As a United Kingdom-trained chartered physiotherapist, I was attracted to iridology through my own medical and nutritional interests in association with my husband’s profession as an optometrist. Fascinated by the wealth of information about the body that the eye reveals, I was drawn to the philosophies and ideals as expounded by Dr. Jensen in his books and seminars. It was at one of these seminars that I was fortunate enough to meet Dr. Donald Bodeen, whom, as Dr. Jensen’s colleague, has contributed greatly towards the pioneering of iridology and its acceptance as an effective analytical method that can be used by all health practitioners.

The hope for the future is that the intensive research and analysis that are currently being undertaken will lead us to a greater understanding of our physical and nutritional needs to enable us to achieve a healthy and well-balanced lifestyle.

—Sheila Spivack, Grad. Dip. Phys., M.C.S.P., S.R.P.


Iridology is exciting! If you like excitement, you will like this book. The excitement of iridology stems from the thought that if tissue integrity throughout the body can be assessed by simply observing the color and structure of the iris, then a new and wonderful world of diagnostics and preventive medicine could thereby unfold before us. If this is so, why, you may ask, hasn’t the science of iridology already made a smashing debut in the theatre of the healing arts? This book will tell you why. The science of iridology has been a sleeping giant. But of late, the giant has been stirring.

Iridology is controversial. Once you know what constitutes the science and practice of iris diagnosis, you will find it impossible to leave it alone. You will be compelled to investigate it in depth and then to either reject it or embrace it. You will find no middle ground. If iridology is true, it is nothing short of astounding, and the logical extensions of its philosophy will be enough to cause modern orthodox medicine to re-examine some of its most cherished principles. If false, it has to be the tragic product of misguided, albeit well-intentioned, people who mistakenly devoted the better part of their professional lives to its philosophy, practice, and promotion. But there is one thing iridology is not: it is not dull!

If you have eyes to see, iridology is for you. You don’t have to be a health-care professional. You don’t have to be a college graduate. And you don’t have to be an expert to prove to yourself the validity and the benefits of reading the iris. The pages of this book will guide you step-by-step to the place where you, with no equipment other than a flashlight and simple magnifying glass, can examine your own eyes or the eyes of a friend and gain accurate and valuable information. How you utilize this information can be instrumental for you in attaining and maintaining health. You will learn how the eye is more than just “the window of the soul.” Iridology will lend new meaning to the phrase, “the ‘eyes’ have it!” Let’s not waste another moment. Enjoy!


Iris analysis is catching on. It’s coming out of seclusion. A technique once known and practiced by only a few, iridology—as it is called—is being discovered by a greater number of people. Founded in the late nineteenth century in Hungary, iris analysis is now being studied in many countries of the world. Not long ago, Soviet officials announced that it is being taught in medically oriented institutions in the U.S.S.R. The Chinese recently translated modern iridology textbooks into their language. Iris analysis is in growing use in most of Europe, as well as in Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, South America, Asia, and the United States.

Iridology is the art and science of analyzing the color and structure of the iris of the eye to gain valuable health information. “Amazing” and “controversial” are two words often associated with it. It is both. It is amazing to all who see its wonders but do not yet perceive its secrets. It is controversial because of its struggle for acceptance by contemporary medicine as a valid examination method.

The story of modern iris analysis is the story of its discoverers and pioneers. Studying iridology is learning its philosophy of health and disease. It is taking the time to explore its territory, learn its unique landmarks, and practice its principles.

Iris analysis does not stand alone. It is part of a larger family. Its close relatives are the numerous branches of the natural and drugless healing arts. Its marriage partner is the art and science of nutrition, to which it is joined for all time.

If you have ever wondered about the secrets the iris can reveal, come with me now and explore. In Part One of this book, I will introduce you to iris analysis—its history, tools, language, and major signs. I will also explain, in layman’s terms, how and why it works. In Part Two, I will help you put to use what you learned in Part One. Learn well, and enjoy the learning. You will not regret the time you put in, and you will use your new knowledge and skills forever.

Part One

Overview of Iridology

All cure starts from within out, from the head down, and in the reverse order as the symptoms appeared.

—Hering’s Law of Cure


The Big Picture

This story belongs to the eye. And we are going to let the eye tell it from its special point of view. The iris is a wonderful and colorful storyteller. By definition, the iris is that portion of the eye surrounding the pupil and giving the eye its distinctive color. It is the pigmentation of the iris that defines your baby blues or bashful browns. Since humans come equipped with a left and right iris, they possess one set of irides.

Iridology (i-rid-doll’-o-jee) is “the study of the iris, particularly of its color, markings, changes, etc., as associated with disease.” This is according to the twenty-seventh edition of Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary. The word “iris,” like so many words in medicine, stems from the Greek and means “rainbow.” Another translation is “halo.” The iris surrounds the pupil of the eye and might easily be thought of as a kind of halo encircling it. More descriptively, however, it is a rainbow because of its color or colors.

The iris is the most distinctively colored portion of the eye. It is what we see in our mind when we think of a beautiful eye color. Your iris is your personal rainbow. The precept of iridology is that valuable information concerning a person’s health and well-being can be obtained by studying this rainbow. What irides reveal, and the fascinating way in which they relay the information, is the subject of this book.

It is very important to mention that information from the irides can be obtained quickly, painlessly, and inexpensively. That in itself ought to gain everyone’s attention! Furthermore, a practitioner skilled in iris analysis can glean this information using nothing more than a simple, hand-held light source and a small magnifying lens. Expensive and complex equipment is not necessary to read an iris, although such apparatus is available for the serious, practicing iridologist and iridology researcher.

The practice of iridology is a covalent bond of science and art. Because iridology is practiced according to certain long-established and time-honored principles that constitute a rather well-defined and expanding body of knowledge, it rightly falls into the category of a science. At the same time, this fascinating science has some aspects of an art.

An iridologist must be able to exercise mental faculties that are not usually accessed through cold, scientific methodology. The iridologist’s thinking must be broader. In keeping with the wholistic approach of iris analysis, the iridologist’s attention must be focused on the person as much as on the person’s complaints. Diseases can be dealt with scientifically; people are better dealt with artfully. Quality service to people seeks and employs the best of both dimensions, recognizing the unique value of each.

They say that there is nothing new under the sun. Maybe there isn’t. But sometimes it takes a long time, even thousands of years, for people to rediscover things. What they find may have been discovered before, but it surely is new to them. Such is the case with iridology. You may be surprised to learn that the idea of iridology, if not its practice, is nearly 2,000 years old, possibly even older. The idea is found in the Bible. Consider the verse in the sixth chapter of the book of St. Matthew. In verse twenty-two, we read, “The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.” The Old English of the King James Version can be modernized to read, “The light of the body is the eye: so if your eye is pure, your whole body shall be full of light.” Using iridology, we can see how the “purity,” or “integrity,” of the iris reflects the condition of tissues everywhere in the body.

You are now making your own discovery of iridology. For you, it is something new under the sun.


Two European men who “rediscovered” the idea of iris analysis in the nineteenth century are generally considered today to share the title of “father of iridology.” The first of these men is Dr. Ignatz von Peczely. (See Figure 1.1.) His is a story that may seem rather curious. However, bear in mind that it is not in the least unusual for the pacesetters of any era to say or do things that may seem bizarre or strange to those of a less inquiring mind.

It is interesting to note that nearly all traditions have a mythology. Iridology is no exception. Please remember that myths are not akin to fairy tales or fabrications, as many people erroneously believe. Myths are stories usually preserved through oral tradition for quite some time before being put to paper. Thus, their origins are often obscure and they do not always reflect the ultimate in historical accuracy. Nevertheless, they are built around a kernel of truth. Such is the case, I believe, with the story of Ignatz von Peczely and the owl.

Tradition holds that in 1837, Von Peczely, as a lad of about ten years of age, captured an owl in the family garden in Hungary. In an effort to escape from its captor’s hand, the owl fractured its leg. Von Peczely claimed to notice immediately a spot that developed in the owl’s iris at the 6:00 (six o’clock) position, which is to say the bottom part of the iris. We know from the iris chart (which we will discuss in Chapter 2) that this position corresponds to the leg. The iris mark made an impression on Von Peczely’s young and inquisitive mind. Later in his life, Von Peczely noticed a similar marking in a man’s iris. This sparked a remembrance of the encounter with the owl and brought the onset of the development of what is now modern iridology. Von Peczely went on to study medicine in Germany and later returned to his native Hungary to practice. He became quite well known as the doctor who could diagnose by looking into the eyes.

In recent years, it has been my privilege to meet and establish a friendship with Andre Peczely, who resides in San Mateo, California. When I met him, he had only an inkling of his Great Uncle Ignatz’s work in iridology. He was surprised and pleased to learn of my work in this field and of the great esteem with which I hold his famous relative. Through his records and recollections of family life in Hungary, he has graciously provided me with much additional insight into the life of Dr. von Peczely. One of the unusual stories Andre Peczely told me was that Dr. von Peczely was an accomplished sculptor at the tender age of ten. Perhaps it was through this talent that he recognized something in the anatomical makeup of the eye that the average person usually misses.

The other father of iridology is Nils Liljequist, a Swedish clergyman who discovered iridology at about the same time as t...

"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.

  • PublisherPenguin Publishing Group
  • Publication date1991
  • ISBN 10 0895294338
  • ISBN 13 9780895294333
  • BindingPaperback
  • Edition number2
  • Number of pages192
  • Rating
    • 4.19 out of 5 stars
      53 ratings by Goodreads

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Bernard Jensen
Published by Avery, 1991
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Bernard Jensen
Published by Avery, 1991
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Bernard Jensen; Donald V. Bodeen
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Bernard Jensen; Donald V. Bodeen
Published by Penguin Publishing Group, 1991
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Bernard Jensen; Donald V. Bodeen
Published by Penguin Publishing Group, 1991
ISBN 10: 0895294338 ISBN 13: 9780895294333
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Jensen, Bernard
Published by Penguin Publishing Group, 1991
ISBN 10: 0895294338 ISBN 13: 9780895294333
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Bernard Jensen; Donald V. Bodeen
Published by Penguin Publishing Group, 1991
ISBN 10: 0895294338 ISBN 13: 9780895294333
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Condition: USED_GOOD. Buy with confidence! Book is in good condition with minor wear to the pages, binding, and minor marks within 0.35. Seller Inventory # bk0895294338xvz189zvxgdd

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Bernard Jensen
Published by Penguin, 1991
ISBN 10: 0895294338 ISBN 13: 9780895294333
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Softcover. Condition: USED_GOOD. 2nd Printing. For over one hundred years, researchers have studied the links between health and the patterns, colors, and textures of the iris. In the United States, Dr. Bernard Jensen brought the art of reading the iris into the twentieth century. In Visions of Health, Drs. Jensen and Bodeen describe the basics of iris analysis in easy-to-understand language with dozens of illustrations and color photos, as well as charts for reading your own eyes and those of friends. They believe that with this book in hand, you can recognize weaknesses in the iris and adjust your lifestyle to achieve optimum health. Seller Inventory # SONG0895294338

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Bernard Jensen; Donald V. Bodeen
Published by Penguin Publishing Group, 1991
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