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FIRST EDITION. Small 8vo, 163 x 105 mms., foliated, [xl], 138, [36], but various source give [16], 138, [16],description, but this copy has 216 leaves [I counted them once, and I counted them again: the number was the same], and I offer the volume bound as described, with text printed in columns of Latin and Greek, slightly later plain boards, vellum label; front hinge cracked, small library stamp on lower margin of title-page. "The editio princeps of this mythological handbook was published in 1555, when Benedetto Egio printed the Greek text based on several Italian manuscripts, with a Latin translation and some limited notes; this Latin translation was separately reprinted as well as corrected several times (e. g. Antverpiae: Gulielmus Sylvius, 1565). Next, the Bibliotheca was included in Jacob Molzer's collection of mythological treatises (Paris, 1578), together with the Fables by Hyginus, the Unbelievable Tales by Palaephatus, Aratus' Phaenomena, and many others. Thirdly, two excerpts from the Bibliotheca (sc. 1.9.16-1.9.28 [107 147]; 3.5.7-3.7.5 [48 87]) were included in an anthology of Argonautic, Theban and Trojan myths by Lorenz Rhodomann and Michael Neander (Leipzig, 1588). Fourth, Judas Bonutius reprinted the Greek text and the Latin translation of the Bibliotheca by Egio, together with the unfinished juxtalinear notes of Jérôme Commelin that contain many readings of the then newly discovered Palatine manuscript not adopted in the text (Heidelberg, 1599). Fifth, the text of Apollodorus was first translated into French by Jean Passerat (Paris, 1605). Finally, the French scholar Tanneguy Le Fèvre printed his own Greek text with a facing Latin translation and some limited notes" From Ulrike Kenens, "The Edition of Apollodorus' Bibliotheca by Thomas Gale (Paris, 1675): Between Tradition and Innovation," Apollodoriana (2017) Adams A1305; Blado-Annali 161. Seller Inventory # 9777
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