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346 p. Aus der Bibliothek von Prof. Wolfgang Haase, langjährigem Herausgeber der ANRW und des International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT) / From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - berieben, Seiten minimals angegilbt, sonst guter Zustand / rubbed, pages minimally yellowed, otherwise good condition. - TABLE OF CONTENTS Number 1 Pindar, Ol. 8. 45-46 a. j. beattie Pindarica a. y. Campbell Aeschylus, Agamemnon 49-59 a. j. beattie Socrates and Antiphon j. s. morrison B. G- WHITFIELD The Tradition of Ovid s Amores . e. j. kenney Virgil, Georgies iv. 228-30 f. r. dale Aeschylus, P.V. 970 d. mervyn jones The House of the Atridae H. c. baldry Thucydides vi. 87. 5 W. a. camps The Hexameter in Greek Elegiacs m. l. clarke Anth. Pal. v. 244 (245). 3 G. a. longman Aunus O. SKUTCH Culex 275 A. HUDSON-WILLIAMS Arnobius iv. 12 u. j. rose Oreichalkos H. michell L. Papirius Fregellanus e. badian REVIEWS: Homerische Wörter (Leumann), d. m. jones, 23; Problems in Greek Poetry (Bowra), j. A. davison, 27; Orpheus (Böhme), j. a. davison, 29; Pindari carmina (Snell), d. s. robertson, 31; Corinna (Page), j. a. davison, 33; Teognide (Peretti), d. c. c. young, 35; Recherches sur les metres de la lyrique chorale grecque (Irigoin), A. M. dale, 37; The Life and Work of Sophocles, (Letters), A. m. dale, 39; Euripides und Diphilos (Friedrich), D. w. lucas, 41; Aspects of Euripidean Tragedy (Greenwood), A. H. coxon, 43; Atomos Idea (Alfieri), G. b. kerferd, 45; Deux themes de la cosmologie grecque (Mugler), w. k. c. guthrie, 46; Empedocle (Zafiropulo), j. täte, 48; Plato s Earlier Dialectic (Robinson), G. b. kerferd, 50; Der platonische Dialog Hippias Maior (Soretti), d. tarrant, 52; Plato s Modern Enemies (Wild), D. j. allan, 53; Le Probleme de Socrate; Socrate et la legende platonicienne (Vilhena), j. täte, 56; From Platonism to Neoplatonism (Merlan), g. b. kerferd, 58; Aristotles Werk und Geist (Zürcher), G. b. kerferd, 60; Aristote, Petits Traites d Histoire Naturelle (Mugnier), d. j. furley, 61; Kommentar zum ersten Buch von Xenophons Memorabilien (Gigon), G. b. kerferd, 63; In the Grip of the Past (van Groningen), j. täte, 64; Platonis Parmenides nec non Prodi Commentarium latine (Klibansky), d. a. rees, 66; Averrois Commentarium Magnum in Aristotelis de Anima libros (Crawford), D. A. rees, 68; Le siede des Scipions (Grimal), h. h. scullard, 69; Ciceron, Au Senat, Au Peuple, Sur sa Maison (Wuilleumier), j. h. simon, 71; Cicdron, Pour Cluentius (Boyan cd), r. g. m. nisbet, 73; Cicero, Orator (Seel), j. h. simon, 74; Horaee, Odes and Epodes (Campbell), t. e. wright, q^Pline, Histoire Naturellexxxiv (Le Bonniec), D. E. eichholz, 77; Recherches sur I aspect idMogique du principal (Beranger), j. a. crook, 79; The Six Main Aes Coinages of Augustus (Grant), a. s. robertson, 81; Trois documents de musique grecque; Essai sur les rythmes de la chanson grecque antique (Martin), R. p. winningtoningram, 83; Malerei und Zeichnung (Rumpf), R. m. cook, 86; The Names of the Stars (Webb), b. farrington, 88; Geographical History in Greek Lands (Myres), M. cary, 89; Die griechischen Landschaften (Philippson), N. G. L. hammond, 91; Lexikon der griechischen und römischen Mythologie (Hunger), h. j. rose, 93; Liber Pater (Bruhl), m. j. boyd, 95; Cults and Creeds in Graeco-Roman Egypt (Bell), e. g. turner, 97; Subjunctive and Optative (Hahn), d. m. jones, 98. Short Reviews Summaries of Periodicals Notes and News Books Received Number 2 [.] and the Gyges Fragment j. a. davison Notes on Aeschylus, Agamemnon, and Sophocles, Antigone s. m. adams The Patmos Scholia and the text of Thucydides k. j. Dover Virgil, Aeneid viii. 215-18 and its Echoes a. y. Campbell Two Latin Idioms r. p. winnington-ingram An Unpublished Epigram on Heliodorus Aethiopica R. browning The Ten-day Week: fresh papyrological evidence b. r. rees Cicero, Philippic i. 20 h. hill The Manuscript 0 of Persius. Seller Inventory # 1174798
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