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Sallustius, Caius Crispus. La Conjuracion de Catalina y la Guerra de Jugurtha. Madrid, Joaquin Ibarra, 1772. Folio (35.7 x 26cm). [10]f including half title, engraved title, and portrait + 395 + [1]p. Spanish text set in a large calligraphic italic, Latin original below in a small roman type arranged in double columns, both designed by Antonio Espinoza. With 9 full-page engraved plates (including a map of Africa by Juan de la Cruz, the royal geographer) and a variety of 34 smaller textual illustrations (including 12 head- and tail-pieces, 6 initials, and 16 numismatic reproductions) engraved by E. Montfort, Salvador Carmona, T. Ballester, J. J. Fabregat. F. Assensio and Muntaner after designs by M. S. Maella, J. Carnizero and Selma. Bound in contemporary dark green morocco decorated with multiple gilt borders, six compartments of spine richly gilt, one with morocco title label, inner gilt doublures, pink silk end papers, edges gilt (by Derome le Jeune with engraved binder s ticket, dated 1785 in tailend blank margin of title); ends of spine and corners lightly worn. Large paper copy bound by Nicolas Denis Derome (1761-88) of Ibarra s magnificent Spanish Sallust, one of the finest books ever produced, and the most perfectly printed Spanish book. The beautiful large calligraphic italic and the delicate roman types, cut by Antonio Espinoza, are admirably complemented by exquisite engravings by leading artists, based mostly on designs by the court painter Maella. This Spanish version of Sallust s Conspiracy of Cataline and the Jugurthan War by the Infante Don Gabriel Antonio de Bourbon, the artistic second son of King Carlos III, was carefully revised and corrected by Pérez Bayer who had added a scholarly essay on the alphabets and the language of the Phoenicians (pp337-338) and extensive indices. The supplement is illustrated with 2 engraved plates with comparative tables of specimens of Phoenician, Hebrew and Maltese-Greek alphabets, and with 16 representations of Phoenician coins and medals. Updike states that 120 large paper copies were printed on a rich, creamy, handmade paper , and that these were mostly presented by the translator, Don Gabriel, to relations, friends, and persons of distinction. Outer edges of top margins with occasional light traces of foxing, otherwise a fine copy from the library of Dawson Turner (1775-1858), banker, botanist and antiquarian, with his ownership ink signature in top margin on recto of front blank leaf dated 1812. With 20th century bookplate of Antonio Llano Diaz de Quijano.Cohen-De Ricci, col.938; Heredia 2994 (Salvá copy); Palau 288134; Updike, Printing Types (1937), II, pp55 & 72-3 (with reproduction of text under no 233). Seller Inventory # ABE-1469284614014
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