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A WEDDING GIFT FROM THE BRIDE'S FATHER'S WORKMEN Containing the Old and New Testaments According to the Authorised Version; with Marginal References and Illustrations, a Summary of the Several Books, an Analysis of each Chapter, and Explanatory Notes, by the Rev. John Brown, Late Minster of the Gospel at Haddington. And Numerous Additional Critical and Explanatory Notes, and Introductory Remarks to each Book of Scripture. By the Rev. J. B. Patterson, and the Rev. A. S. Patterson. The Text alone printed by Authority. Large 4to. [309 x 250 x 68 mm]. [2]ff, 1031pp. Bound in contemporary purple goatskin the covers tooled in gilt with a border of a thick and five thin fillets with a large flower in the corners and floral ornaments at the centre of the sides enclosing a geometrical design of fillets. The spine divided into five panels by raised gilt tooled bands and gilt compartments, lettered in the second, the others with arabesque elements, doublures of matching purple goatskin tooled in gilt with fillets, floral and arabesque tools, the front enclosing an inner panel of pebble-grained purple goatskin lettered in gilt "Presented To Miss Margt. Priestman, On Her Marriage To Daniel Wheeler Esqr. By Her Father's Workmen As A Token Of Esteem, Newcastle July 1846", the rear with a panel of yellow glazed paper, matching free endleaves, gilt edges. (A little rubbed). [ebc7895]. Coldstream: printed by Robert Kerr, for the Scottish Free Bible Press Company, 1846. The first few leaves are a little creased and there is some light foxing. It is an impressive volume presumably bound in Newcastle. Margaret Priestman (1817-1905) was the second daughter of Jonathan Priestman, a prosperous Newcastle tanner and Quaker, and Rachel Bragg, a travelling minister in the Society of Friends and anti-slavery campaigner. They lived at Summerhill and her sister Elizabeth (1815-1841) married John Bright, while Anna-Maria (1828-1914) and Mary (1830-1914) remained unmarried and were active in the suffrage movement. Margaret married Daniel Wheeler in 1846, but he died two years later and in 1855 she married Arthur Tanner. On his death in 1869 she went to live with her sisters in Bristol, and this Bible would have passed to their niece Helen Priestman Bright, and to her son Roger Clark and grandson Stephen Clark. Seller Inventory # ebc7895
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