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Stockholm, C. Delén, 1806-(25). 6:o. (8),VIII,112 + 9,(1 blank),9-59,(1 blank),91-103 + 15,(1 blank),15-52,95-111 + 66 + 108 + 56,79-115,(4) pp. & 72 hand-coloured engraved plates. Two volumes in elegant, well-preserved dark brown late 20th-century calf with richly gilt spines and brown morocco labels. Boards gilt ruled, board edges decorated in blind. Yellow edges. Minor scratches on rear board of first volume. Occasional spotting. A few plates slightly browned. Plate 21 "Gråbrun fjällorm" and its first textpage with dampstains. Plates and texts 3-6 misbound. Illegible signature in the first volume. A magnificent copy.Nissen Die zoologische Buchillustration 3259. All published. The 72 sections of "Svensk zoologi" are bound in numerical order, while the pagination follows the planned six parts, which otherwise were: "ett däggdjur, en fågel, ett kräldjur, en fisk, en insekt och ett 'mask-kräk' [a mammal, a bird, a reptile, a fish, an insect and a worm]". The collation here is, for the sake of simplicity, compiled after these parts. Please note that there are still irregularities in the pagination, most likely because of the extended period of publishing and misunderstandings when the text was set up in type. The work with "Svensk zoologi" had been started by G. J. Billberg and the publishing model with a large number of instalments was the same as for "Svensk botanik". The first nine parts were published under the leadership of Palmstruch, until his death in 1811. Parts 10, 11 och 12 were published in 1813, 1818 and 1825, respectively. The year on the title page of the second volume is however 1809. Conrad Quensel wrote the first texts but passed away during the first year of publishing, and his task was taken over by Olof Swartz. A third volume was planned but never published. Seller Inventory # 41913B
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