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Vol. 1: VII, 733 p., Vol. 2: VII, 371 p.: Ill., Maps. 2 Volumes together, only first two volumes of the series. - Schutzumschläge leicht berieben, Band 1 mit minimalen Randläsuren am Schutzumschlag und lichtbedingt ausgeblichenem Buchrücken, sehr vereinzelte Bleistiftanstreichungen, sonst sehr gute Exemplare / Dust jackets slightly rubbed, Vol. 1 with minimal edge wear to dust jacket and spine faded due to light, very occasional pencil markings, otherwise very good copies. - The Gazetteer of Arabia is a four-volume, 3,000 page work listing in alphabetical order the geographical features, cities, towns, and tribes of the Arabian Peninsula. It embodies two centuries of historical and geographical research on the area for reference by the scholar and layman alike. The Gazetteer is based on the 1917 British Gazetteer of Arabia (not an updating of Lorimer s 1908 Gazetteer), which covers the Peninsula south of a line drawn from Aqabah, through Maan, to Abu Kamal on the Euphrates, including the Baghdad and Basrah Wilayats. It was compiled using information from reports by British officers, travellers and local informants as well as other published and unpublished sources. The current edition contains information from J. G. Lorimer s Gazetteer of the Persian Gulf, Oman, and Central Arabia for places along the Gulf littoral, Charles Huber s Journal d un voyage en Arabie, Carsten Niebuhr s Reisebe- schreibung nach Arabien, and Max F. von Oppenheim s monumental work on the tribes, Die Be- duinen. This latter source provides a wealth of information on the nomads and their migrations through Palestine, Jordan, Hijaz, Central Arabia, and Iraq. Contributors to the Gazetteer include, among others, Wilfrid S. and Lady Anne Blunt, Gertrude Bell, Percy Cox, J. L. Burckhardt, G. Bury, A. D. Carruthers, R. E. Cheesman, W. H. Ingrams, T. E. Lawrence, G. E. Leachman, Alois Musil, H. St. J. B. Philby, Barclay Raunkiaer, A. Rihani, R. B. Serjeant, Bertram Thomas, and Wilfred Thesiger. The most recent information in the Gazetteer has been taken primarily from Western consulting firm feeder-road feasibility and water, agriculture, and pastoralism development studies conducted in 1970. These works provide material on developments within each of the provinces of Saudi Arabia and give such specific information as the headman of a town or district, the population, and facts about the availability of drinking water, electricity, schools and current agricultural practices. Also, the Arabian American Oil Company files and library in Dhahran have been very useful for updating portions of the Gazetteer. The reader should keep in mind that it was not possible for the editor of this work to check each entry in the field; it is hoped that this kind of research may now be facilitated by the appearance of this work. Sprache: Englisch Gewicht in Gramm: 550. Seller Inventory # 1218634
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