Phaidon Press has been one of the pioneers of the art book format since the mid-1930s. Every aspect of art is showcased in their books - photography, classical art, pop art, history of art, fashion, architecture, decorative arts, and all the major artistic movements.
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In 1941, with Britain facing invasion by Germany, Collins published series of social history books called Britain in Pictures to create a record of British life. George Orwell, Graham Greene and Edith Sitwell were among the writers to contribute books. Today, these books are highly collectible.
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Fine presses, private presses and small presses vary from traditional publishing houses because of their size, scope and intention. Books produced by these publishers are often adored by collectors who desire books that are not run-of-the-mill.
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Fans of science fiction owe a great debt of gratitude to Ace Books. This pioneering publisher helped shape the genre by promoting influential authors and numerous important titles during the 1950s and 1960s.
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Literary America owes a great debt to the Black Sparrow Press. This visionary California-based publisher was prepared to gamble on Charles Bukowski - the low-life, alcoholic writer other publishers wouldn’t touch with a barge pole - and a swathe of other avant-garde authors who didn’t fit in.
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The Folio Society publishes beautiful books with exceptional typography, illustrations, paper, and bindings. They reprint classic texts, from Frankenstein to The Canterbury Tales, with eye-catching artwork.
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The Franklin Library, a division of The Franklin Mint, was a publisher of fine collector edition books from the early 1970s until 2000.
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Penguin Drop Caps is a series of 26 rainbow-hued hardcover editions of literature's finest treasures. An edition for each letter of the alphabet, the series features authors from A (Jane Austen) to Z (Carlos Ruiz Zafon).
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